Weekly Learnings (December 4th - 8th 2023)

This is a collection of things that I've learned about over the past week:

🔥 pip.wtf 🔥

An interesting take on Python packaging / package management. 

🗺 Developer Roadmap 🗺

For any devs wanting to get clarification on the path they need to take for technical growth and career movement. 

💻 Best Websites a Programmer Should Visit 💻

If you're a programmer, the sites linked here will probably be of interest to you!

🐍 Python Design Patterns 🐍

This is a great reference page to bookmark for constant reference while doing Python software development.

🧊 The Cursed Computer Iceberg Meme 🧊

Wow. Even if you know about lots of esoterica related to computers, there's most likely something here that you didn't know about previously!

✨🎩 A Guide to Python's Magic Methods 🎩✨

Shared by a senior engineer on my team as something they persistently had open on their browser for reference; lots of useful info here for Python developers of all levels.
Apparently things that are crab-like keep evolving independently. 

🏥 ProMED-mail 🏥

As my coworker who shared this with me said: "Enjoy your nightmares."



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