Crochet Dinos!

Quick note:  Long time no post!  Life has been a bit crazy-busy lately, and also my husband and I recently moved out to the countryside and now have very limited internet access.  BUT I still plan on posting here on a more regular basis again soon.  I'm currently experimenting with oil pastels, colored pencils and watercolor crayons, too, so perhaps some artwork will go up here in the next couple of months!  Oh and I've also gotten into needle felting!  :)

When I was little, I really wanted to be a paleontologist... dinosaurs are the coolest!  Below are some cuddly little crochet dinos that I made a few months ago:

The easy-to-follow patterns for making the critters above can be found on!

Each dino represents around 3.5 hours of work, which totals out to 10.5 hours.


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